When it comes to learning and using a foreign language and translating arabic to english, we often face such a problem as the emergence of a “language barrier”. The so-called “language barrier” is the difficulty or, moreover, the impossibility of communicating in a non-native language. “I understand everything, but I can’t say.” is one of the most common complaints from language learners.

You can watch films in the original, read books and newspapers, answer e-mails to colleagues from other countries, but as soon as you are faced with the need to express your thoughts orally, you immediately get lost and seem to forget everything you once learned. . It is especially disappointing later when you look in the dictionary and realize that you know perfectly well all these words that did not come to your mind when you needed to. Those. knowledge of vocabulary and grammar does not always mean the ability to use them in speech. So what are the causes of the “language barrier”?

One of the main reasons originates in schools and institutes, where everyone successfully or not very well studied at least the basics of a foreign language. This training, as a rule, consisted of numerous grammar exercises, translations, paraphrases and drawing up dialogues on various topics. Upon completion of these classes, it was assumed that you would have enough knowledge to communicate with a foreigner. But in most cases this did not happen. Why?

As soon as language work moves from reading and writing to fluent speaking, many fall into a stupor. It turns out that you have been taught everything including japanese to english except this. All these years you have been studying grammar books, memorizing an unimaginable number of rules and exceptions to them, and, in the end, where did it lead you? You silently look at the interlocutor and try to explain to him an elementary phrase with gestures.

Many have acquired fear and insecurity in using a foreign language, which is based on previous bad learning experiences. Whether it’s ridicule from classmates at school, sarcastic comments from a teacher, or an overly demanding tutor, the result is the same. You are afraid to make a mistake, to be primitive, to be misunderstood or ridiculed.